Electrical systems are set-it-and-forget-it types of entities. That being said, they do experience deterioration, and they sometimes fall behind the times. For these reasons, it’s often a good idea to have electrical systems inspected by professionals.
Wondering when an electrical inspection might be necessary? Take it from a Ft Pierce, Florida electrician—here are the most common occasions.
Before You Buy a New House
Perhaps the most important time to have an electrical system inspected is before buying a house. While your prospective home’s electrical system might appear to be sound from the exterior, it could present a number of problems from the interior.
Maybe it’s not up to code? Maybe some wiring is severely deteriorated? Whatever the case may be, a professional electrical inspection will allow you to identify it.
Depending on the size of the house, the cost of installing a new system could run anywhere from $2,500 to $11,500. This is not an amount of money that you’ll want to pay shortly after buying a new house. It’s strongly recommended that you bring in an inspector to ensure that the system is sound. By doing so, you could potentially save thousands of dollars.
When You’re Concerned About the Safety of Your Electrical System
When installed and maintained properly, electrical systems are entirely safe. Unfortunately, over time, they can take on deterioration, leaving them vulnerable to a range of different problems. At best, these problems will cause dysfunction. At worst, they can be dangerous.
For this reason, if you suspect a problem has arisen, it is wise to have your electrical system inspected as soon as possible. Not only can an inspector spot any problems that might exist, but he or she can also work to eradicate those problems.
When You Fear It Might Not Be Up to Code
Electrical code is always changing. What was allowed 10 years ago might not be allowed today. For this reason, you might need to make changes to your system from time to time.
How do you detect the changes that need to be made? By bringing in an electrical inspector. A licensed inspector will have no trouble in determining whether your system is up to code. If it’s not, he or she can help you make necessary changes.
After You’ve Made Renovations
Perhaps you added onto your home? Maybe you installed the electrical wiring yourself? If so, you’re advised to have your work inspected.
While you might have done a superb job, you also could have run into a number of problems. These problems could affect not only the functionality of your electrical system, but the safety as well. An inspector will ensure that you’ve done the job correctly, and, if need be, will make improvements to trouble areas.
When it’s Been a While
In truth, everyone should have an electrical inspection from time to time. This is true whether or not the system is presenting any problems. Whereas businesses should have their systems inspected every 5 years, residences should have their systems inspected every 10 years.
Regular inspections will ensure that you catch small problems before they become much bigger issues. This could end up saving you money over time.
In Need of an Electrical Inspection by a Ft Pierce, Florida Electrician?
Is your electrical system in need of an inspection? In need of an electrical inspection in Ft Pierce, Florida, specifically? If so, we at All American Air & Electric can help.
Our team of electricians is well-versed in the inspection of electrical systems, having inspected thousands of them throughout Central Florida. Regardless of the reason for your inspection, we’ll be sure to carry it out in a proper and professional manner.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment!