While air conditioners are designed to take on quite a bit of wear and tear, there will come a time that they meet some type of problem. To reduce the chances of any problems occurring, some maintenance is required.
A small amount of consistent maintenance can add years to a Marion County air conditioner’s life. What does air conditioner maintenance entail? Here are 5 useful air conditioner maintenance tips to follow.
1. Change Filters
Since your HVAC system is constantly sucking in air, it’s also sucking in dirt. Where does the vast majority of this dirt go? Straight into the HVAC system’s air filter.
This is why your filter will need to be changed every month. If you don’t change it, it will continue to take on dirt, becoming more and more inundated over time. Eventually it will take on so much dirt that it will start to hinder the functionality of your HVAC system.
In most cases, it’s very easy to change your filter by yourself. However, if you need a hand, there’s no shame in bringing in a professional repair specialist.
2. Scrub Down the Condenser Coils
Your HVAC filter isn’t the only part of your air conditioner which collects dirt. The coils within the condenser of your AC also tend to get dirty.
It could be necessary to have these coils cleaned yearly. If you don’t clean them, your AC will fail to produce adequate airflow, hindering its ability to cool your home.
While you can clean your condenser coils on your own, you might find it easier to just call in a repair specialist. He or she will be able to clean the coils and perform any other pertinent maintenance tasks to make sure your ac is running smoothly.
3. Keep the Condenser Area Cleared
Your air conditioner condenser is the most important part of the air conditioning system. If it’s not functioning properly, your home will not be cooled.
This is why you need to keep your condenser as protected as possible. Cleaning up its general area will prevent it from becoming inundated with items such as sticks, stones, leaves, bugs, etc…
Watching the condenser and keeping the area free of debris, is something which you’ll be able to carry out on your own. Just keep an eye on your condenser to ensure that it’s safe from potential dangers.
4. Inspect Wiring
Regardless of what electronic product you’re using, the wiring will deteriorate over time. Your air conditioner is certainly no exception.
This is why you need to keep an eye on the wiring in your AC. Though it will typically be in an working/safe state, there is a chance that it will become compromised in some way. It’s our recommendation that you have a repair specialist inspect it semiannually.
5. Clear the Ducts
Though your HVAC air filter does a great job of collecting dirt which enters your AC, it doesn’t collect all of the dirt. What this typically results in is dust permeating your home’s air ducts.
While air ducts can still perform sufficiently when inundated with dust, there comes a time when too much dust is simply too much dust. It’s at this point, air flow starts to become restricted.
Need Help with Air Conditioner Maintenance?
Some of us don’t have the time to keep up on air conditioner maintenance. Do you need help maintaining your air conditioner? If so, and if you live in the North Central Florida area, we here at All American Air & Electric are the people to see.
Our team of seasoned HVAC specialists is well-versed in the installation, repair, and maintenance of all air conditioners. We’ll ensure that your system is running smoothly at all times.
Contact us today to get started!